Let's Play With Our Food: Funny Salmon Burgers

Let kids play with their food!

Yes, you read that right. Contrary to popular belief, the more kids explore food through play, the more they learn about what they’re putting in their bodies. Encouraging your children to play with their food is a great way to foster curiosity and raise adventurous eaters. It’s also a practical way to teach them about nutrition and healthful eating.

So let’s embrace the play with this super-fun salmon burger activity! By the time they’re finished, your kids will learn how to create a balanced plate full of protein, fiber, healthy carbs, and omega-3 fats, which are essential for brain and heart health.

All you have to do is get out whatever yummy extras you have in the fridge or pantry and invite your little ones to decorate their own salmon burger with different colors, veggies, grains, and even fruit!

For our own play sesh, we used organic seafood pasta from Whole Foods, beets, olives, tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, and ketchup. Share our funny photos with your kid and challenge them to come up with even more entertaining ways to serve a salmon burger.

Enjoy, and be sure to snap photos of your food games and share them with us on social @kvaroykids!