Balanced Meal for Kids: Pasta with Kvaroy Salmon and Steamed Veggies

Every parent is always on the lookout for balanced meals for their children that are tasty but also rich in healthy nutrients. Extra points for meals that are easy to prepare, too!

Children need a balanced diet with food from all three main nutrition groups: vegetables and fruit, whole grain products, and protein sources.

We love this simple yet healthy and yummy recipe with Kvaroy salmon as a protein source. The rest of the ingredients are flexible according to what you have available.

Our sustainable salmon can be cooked in various ways — grilled, oven-baked, or pan-seared. You can also choose smoked salmon— the canned one helps you to cook with extra speed in the kitchen.

Regarding the steamed veggies: think broccoli, carrots, peas, cauliflower, or green beans. Steam your veggie of choice in boiling water for 15 minutes. When ready, top them with a bit of olive oil.

Boiled pasta, preferably in a fun shape: it can be whole-grain, plant-based (lentil, chickpeas, turmeric) or any other type. Cook it according to its preparation label and then mix with the other ingredients.

Serve it all in a fun and playful way :)

And as we say in Norwegian before someone is about to enjoy their meal: Spis godt!