The Stingray Laser System: The Star Wars Laser in Aquaculture

Most of us know about lasers from movies and shows like Star Wars, but they’re a powerful tool used to help raise sustainable and healthy salmon at our Kvaroy Arctic farm!

To protect our salmon from parasites like sea lice (yuck!), we’ve installed special lasers known as the Stingray Laser System in our ocean pens. Yes, that’s right, just like kids, salmon can get lice, too.

The Stingray Laser system uses cameras to detect the movements of our salmon as they swim through the cold, clean ocean waters. As a fish swims by, the laser sends out pulses that remove any opportunistic pests from the salmon’s scales.

Don’t worry, the salmon aren’t bothered or hurt by these lasers—their mirror-like skin reflects the laser right off of their bodies. The parasites, however, absorb this amplified light and are removed. Apart from getting rid of these unwanted visitors, the lasers leave no impact on the salmon or its habitat.

We also use this system to monitor our salmon’s health 24 hours a day. The cameras scanning the waters help us check up on how our fish are doing in real time. They can even detect faces and recognize individual fish!

Life with the Stingray Laser System is as natural for our salmon as swimming, eating, and enjoying the cool waters of the fjord. The result? Happier, healthier, larger fish!