Nurturing children and planet: Kvaroy Kids shares a special connection with Whole Kids Foundation

Just like Kvaroy Arctic, Whole Kids Foundation believes that every child deserves access to fresh, nutritious food, and a healthy environment to grow and thrive. That’s why, together with them, we have been on a mission to actively support schools and inspire families to make healthier choices through their incredible initiatives. 

As we’ve been partnering for a year now, we’d like to share with you how Whole Kids Foundation's work aligns with the values of Kvaroy Arctic and Kvaroy Kids:

  1. School Gardens: Whole Kids Foundation believes in the power of school gardens. They help schools create and maintain gardens where students can grow their own fruits, vegetables, and herbs. This hands-on experience allows kids to learn about nature, sustainable food practices, and the joy of growing their own food. It's a perfect match for Kvaroy Kids, who already appreciates the wonders of nature and understand the importance of taking care of the environment.

  2. Healthy Lunch Programs: Whole Kids Foundation works with schools to improve their lunch programs and provide kids with nutritious and delicious meals. By supporting healthy eating habits, they aim to ensure that children have access to the nourishment they need to learn and thrive. This focus on nutrition aligns perfectly with the values of Kvaroy Kids, who understand the importance of balanced meals for their own well-being.

  3. Grants and Resources: Whole Kids Foundation offers grants to schools, providing them with financial support to start or enhance their gardening and nutrition programs. They also provide valuable resources, educational materials, and training opportunities for teachers and parents. Just like our educational resources available at, these initiatives empower schools and families to create a healthier and more sustainable environment for kids to grow up in.

For more information about Whole Kids Foundation and how you can get involved, visit their website: