Let's Make Glowing Jars to Learn About Bioluminescence

Have you noticed how fireflies twinkle beautifully around gardens, forests, and parks on summer nights? Well, they’re not the only creatures who can create light! Mushrooms and glowworms can also illuminate in a dark forest. And colorful sea creatures—both animals and plants — light up the ocean, from the bottom to its shores.

These special species have the ability to make their own light and appear to glow! The natural light that comes from different animals and plants is emitted thanks to a chemical process called bioluminescence. That’s why we call these creatures bioluminescent.

80% of these bioluminescent creatures in the world live in the ocean (in all its layers). Of those, up to 90% of deep-ocean creatures are bioluminescent. Bioluminescence can help animals see in the dark, hide from predators by creating camouflage, or attract others. Many use the ability to glow as a tool that helps them to attract prey—the light helps them to find food at the bottom of the ocean where it’s dark.

Inspired by those living creatures who can produce light, we’re on an art adventure to discover how we can create a glowing jar! And we’re super excited about this experiment by PBS Kids, which is a great way to start conversations about bioluminescence in nature with your kids.

With this simple project, kids can create their own glowing water at home. To make the magic happen, all you need is the contents of a non-toxic highlighter, water in a jar, and a flashlight to create a glowing effect.

What you need:

  • Water

  • 1 non-toxic yellow highlighter

  • Glass jar, plastic water bottle, or other clear container

  • Flashlight

Let’s glow together! It’s easy!

Start by pouring water into your container of choice, filling it up to the top.

Carefully pop off the back end of the highlighter and take out the ink-soaked felt that’s inside. You can use one color or mix different ones.

Dip the highlighter felt in the water. Help the felt release more ink into the water by squeezing it with kitchen tongs. Continue until you see the water getting colored with the highlighter ink.

Turn off the lights, place a flashlight around the jar, and watch the water glow!