Coloring Advent Calendar for Christmas

Today, on the first day of December, we start counting the days until Christmas. This is always a special event, eagerly awaited!

And this holiday season, we invite you to count with us by coloring every day a bit of our Christmas Advent calendar.

Advent is a preparation period before the 25th of December, which in different countries starts either four Sundays before Christmas or on the 1st of December.

In Norway, on the evenings of every Sunday up until Christmas Day, we light a candle in the Advent four-candle candelabra. On the first Sunday, the first candle is lit, on the second Sunday, the next two candles are lit, and so on.

Are you excited about Christmas? Check out our special calendar, download it, print it, and color it. Last but not least, follow our Instagram stories for more fun activities to do in preparation for Christmas.