3 Ocean-Inspired Yoga Poses to Try with Little One

Kids should get on the mat too! While a yoga practice improves balance, strength, endurance, and aerobic capacity for your little ones, it also offers plenty of mental health benefits. Being able to sit and just breathe helps kids become calmer and more patient. If your child is mesmerized by the ocean (like us!), we invite you to try these three fun ocean-inspired poses.

Starfish Pose

Stretch out like a starfish! Stand on the mat with your feet spread wide apart and toes and knees pointing outwards. First, have your arms at your sides, but then expand them in both directions to the height of your shoulders. Hold there for 30 seconds. Breathe through the belly. If you’re able to easily balance, close your eyes or extend your arms above your ears, while again keeping them facing outwards. You can try out this pose while also laying on the floor!

Crab Pose

Sit on the floor with legs extended in front of you and your arms resting at your sides. Prepare yourself for the pose by bending your knees and placing your feet flat on the floor—even the pinky toe should be on the floor! Then move your hands closer to your hips; they should be a couple of inches behind the waist. Keep your palms on the floor shoulder distance apart and the fingers facing towards the feet. Then press your palms flat on the floor, straighten your elbows, and lift your hips towards the ceiling. Breathe through the belly for 5 seconds, and if you have strength crawl around the room—just like a crab!

Sea Turtle Pose

Sit with your knees bent, feet connected, flat and touching each other. Place your feet closer to your body so your knees point in both directions. Allow your knees to fall open, and slide your hands under your ankles. Lean forward into your turtle shell!